[linux] Re: Bluetooth in Virtualbox
trialero op gmx.com
Wo Jul 6 23:30:33 CEST 2016
On Tue, Jul 05, 2016 at 09:37:53PM +0200, Fred wrote:
> Hallo all,
> Ik gebruik windows 7 in virtualbox (5.0.24) op Debian 4.6.1-1~bpo8+1
> (2016-06-14).
> Het lukt mij niet om te pairen met een BT audioapparaat van Logitech
> terwijl dit op de host wel lukt.
> In deze box is het overigens wel mogelijk om bijv met mijn mobiel
> verbinding te maken.
> Wellicht heeft iemand hier wat suggesties..? Ik vrij 'nieuw' met Linux
> maar zeer onbekend met Virtualbox.
> Fred
devices op de host zijn niet zomaar in de VB client te gebruiken:
1) installeer/activeer Extensions pack en Guest Additions -- zit dacht
ik in één van de menu's
2) je username moet in de groep vboxusers staan
Short answer:
Execute sudo adduser YOURUSERNAME vboxusers, log out and log in again.
Long Answer:
Close virtualbox
Execute in bash (for Debians): sudo adduser YOURUSERNAME
vboxusers. If you don't have a Debian-like distro, read here.
Log out and log in again
Attach to your PC the USB devices you want to be
automatically mounted in the VM (virtual machine).
Open Virtualbox
Select your VM and go to "Machine" -> "Settings"
-> "USB".
Check "Enable USB Controller"; click on the
icon with the USB plug and the plus, and
click on the devices you want to be
automatically mounted in the VM. Click "Ok".
Click on "Start" toolbar button, and
ensure your USB devices are recognized
and mounted by the VM. Remember that you
have to unmount them in the host OS too
if you have to disconnect them after you
exit the VM.
Note that Extensions Pack and Guest
Additions are not strictly required, but
with Extension Pack you can use USB 2.0.
You have also to enable it under USB
settings. Without it all your USB
devices are controlled as USB 1.0, so
they will work at lower speed.
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