[linux] Omninas om zeep? u-boot achtige prompt
Geert Stappers
stappers op stappers.nl
Wo Jul 11 21:09:46 CEST 2018
On Wed, Jul 11, 2018 at 08:48:05PM +0200, paai wrote:
> Er is leven op deze planeet!
> Om een of andere reden krijg ik opeens contact met de Omninas! Er is een
> menu, maar jammer genoeg geen normale shell.
> Boot Menu
> ==============================================================================
> 0: Enter Command Line Interface 1: Reboot
> 2: Start the Kernel Code T: GPIO Test Function
> => Select: H
> Boot Menu
> ? - alias for 'help'
> base - print or set address offset
> bdinfo - print Board Info structure
> beep - make beep sound
> bootm - boot application image from memory
> bootp - boot image via network using BootP/TFTP protocol
> bubt - Burn an image on the Boot Nand Flash.
> clrenv - clear environment
> cmp - memory compare
> cp - memory copy
> crc32 - checksum calculation
> dhcp - invoke DHCP client to obtain IP/boot params
> diskboot- boot from IDE device
> echo - echo args to console
> exit - exit script
> ext2load- load binary file from a Ext2 filesystem
> ext2ls - list files in a directory (default /)
> go - start application at address 'addr'
> help - print online help
> ide - IDE sub-system
> iminfo - print header information for application image
> led - LED Switch
> ledfail - Extinguish (0) or light (1) failure LED
> loop - infinite loop on address range
> md - memory display
> mm - memory modify (auto-incrementing)
> mtest - simple RAM test
> mw - memory write (fill)
> nand - NAND sub-system
> nboot - boot from NAND device
> nm - memory modify (constant address)
> ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network host
> poweroff- Power-OFF
> printenv- print environment variables
> part - clear MBR
> rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
> reset - Perform RESET of the CPU
> run - run commands in an environment variable
> saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
> setenv - set environment variables
> test - minimal test like /bin/sh
> tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
> usb - USB sub-system
> usbboot - boot from USB device
> version - print monitor version
> Shuttle>>
Ik herken er u-boot, http://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/WebHome , in.
Output van `version` zal het kunnen vertellen.
Geert Stappers
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