[linux] Re: eh... AMD duron 1200

Gijs Hillenius meetingman op nllgg.nl
Za Jan 28 13:02:06 CET 2006

>>>>> Udo van den Heuvel reageert:

    >> Error inserting powernow_k7
    >> (/lib/modules/2.6.15-1-k7/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/powernow-k7.ko):
    >> No such device

      > Issie wel 'Mobile'?

Eh.. nee, niet bepaald. Maar eh... is dat perse nodig? Ding zit in een
desktop doos...

Stult's Report:
	Our problems are mostly behind us.  What we have to do now is
	fight the solutions.

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