[linux] suggestion to Marc Shuttleworth

paai j.j.paijmans op uvt.nl
Vr Sep 25 14:30:49 CEST 2009


I have a serious issue with Linux and I would like to put it to Marc 
Shuttleworth himself. Perhaps he can turn some wheels to get it fixed. 
If not, I fear for the viability of Linux on the desktop.

Short introduction: I am using Linux since 1992 as a hobby, and 
exclusively for my work since 1994.

The problem: Linux is way behind in the field of PDAs and syncing.

PDAs are very important gadgets. They carry stuff like appointments, 
personal contacts and memos in your shirt pocket. Obviously, it is 
important (to say the least) that you can copy or synchronize such data 
to a PC or laptop.

The fact is that there are almost no PDAs that can synchronize these 
data to a Linux computer. If you have a Palm  PDA, there are some suites 
that can synchronize with Linux, but even then, the quality of the 
applications is shaky. (kpilot, jpilot, evolution).

For the majority of PDAs that have no Palm-OS, even that opportunity 
does not exist. There are some initiatives, but none of these is solid 
enough to make me confident that my next PDA will cooperate with Linux.

I would like to suggest to mr. Shuttleworth that he makes cooperation 
between PDAs and Linux one of the spearpoints of Ubuntu development.

Also, I would appreciate the recipient of this email to reply to me and 
keep me informed about the status of this message.

Sounds stern, doesn't it? :-) No matter, I think it is way much more 
important than eyecandy or esoteric applications.

Sincerely yours,

Hans Paijmans


Dr. J.J. Paijmans
Tilburg University: Dept. of Linguistics & AI                013-4662693
Thuis: Kleine St.Jansstraat 3, 3811 HV  Amersfoort           033-4722579 
http://paai.uvt.nl     http://paijmans.net          GSM: +31 621 961 083

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