[linux] Re: suggestion to Marc Shuttleworth
Daniel von Asmuth
asmuth op bakunin.xs4all.nl
Zo Sep 27 10:34:40 CEST 2009
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 02:30:49PM +0200, paai wrote:
> I have a serious issue with Linux and I would like to put it to Marc
> Shuttleworth himself. Perhaps he can turn some wheels to get it fixed.
> If not, I fear for the viability of Linux on the desktop.
> ....
> For the majority of PDAs that have no Palm-OS, even that opportunity
> does not exist. There are some initiatives, but none of these is solid
> enough to make me confident that my next PDA will cooperate with Linux.
Was het idee van Open Source niet dat professoren problemen door hun
studenten laat oplossen en dat de millionairs van deze wereld de aldus
gemaakte software distribueren? Bij de Closed Source boer kun je
software op maat bestellen tegen betaling.
> I would like to suggest to mr. Shuttleworth that he makes cooperation
> between PDAs and Linux one of the spearpoints of Ubuntu development.
Met vriendenlijke groet,
Daniel von Asmuth
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