[linux] Linux Audio Conference

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen op gmail.com
Di Apr 6 11:36:45 CEST 2010

zaterdag 1 tot dinsdag 4 mei wordt in Utrecht de Linux Audio Conference 
gehouden. Toegang is gratis (!!)

Linux Audio Conference 2010
The conference about Open Source Software for music and sound.
The Linux Audio Conference is an international conference about Open Source 
Software for music, sound and other media with Linux as the main platform. 

Linux Audio Conference
 May 1st-4th, 2010
 Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
 Lange Viestraat 2


  X Ulrich X


                      Eyes serve two purposes: to see with and to wheep with,
                                     but certainly not to judge with.

http://afamiliajuramidam.org/english/             OS: Kubuntu 9.10 (Linux)

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