[linux] Call for paper: Load days

Marcel Nijenhof marceln op pion.xs4all.nl
Ma Feb 8 22:56:27 CET 2010

Beste Mensen,
Graag wil ik de volgende Call for paper onder jullie aandacht brengen:

You are invited to submit a proposal to participate in the 2010 Linux
Open Administration Days in Wilrijk, Belgium on April 10th-1th

The Linux Open Administration days 2010 will be the first edition of a
new conference focusing on Linux and Open Administration, we are trying
to fill a gap for System Engineers and Administrators using Open Source

We are looking for presentations that will be of interrest for the above
mentioned group, such as Automatic Deployments, Virtualization,
Clustering, Configuration Management , Systems Monitoring , Groupware
installations, Datacenter Management Frameworks, Linux Distributions,
Filesystems, and so on ...

We are seeking submissions for Presentations, Tutorials and Open Spaces

Presentations are 45 minute presentations of technical content

Tutorials will be 2 hour sessions teaching the audience how to use a
technology from the ground up

Open Spaces are sessions where the crowd will discuss a problem or idea
in group

We would ask you to prepare a short description of your proposed
presentation so we can review it together with a small Biography which
we can post on the even'ts website if your presentation is accepted.

We are accepting proposals as of now till March 15th, 2010

Please mail : cfp_at_loadays_dot_org

Marcel Nijenhof
marceln op pion.xs4all.nl

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