[linux] Re: cdrecord herkent mijn brander niet goed

Roeland Th. Jansen bengel op grobbebol.xs4all.nl
Zo Mrt 13 13:26:08 CET 2005

On Sun, Mar 13, 2005 at 12:49:31PM +0100, Robert M. Stockmann wrote:
> Tja ik heb al meerdere malen gezegd dat met SuSE 9.2 or 9.1, het branden
> van DVD's maar moeizaam gaat. Meestal had ik zal de neiging, ach het zal
> wel, en compileerde de software  cdrtools + een patch om DVD's te branden
> vanaf http://crashrecovery.org/oss-dvd.html . Maar helaas ook dat
> geeft zeer povere resultaten. 

ik heb al meermalen het tegendeel geroepen. ik kan hier op willekeurig
welke SUS 9.0/1/2 set (ik praat over een 17 tal machines, nee niet hir
thuis) _allemaal_ zonder problemen een CD en/of DVD bakken. out of the
box, alleen ff DMA aangezet.

> Ik hiermee ge-emailed met een aantal mensen van SuSE , en dit is wat
> ze erover zeggen:
> http://www.uwsg.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0408.1/1719.html
> De toon van die gasten bevalt me niet, dus vanaf die tijd , heb mijn
> twijfels over het SuSE project bij Novell.

en dan pakken we even een stukje van de thread op :

> > > > > Nothing tells me here that method C is superior to method B :)
> > > > > I tested the
> > > > > above already on mandrake 10.0, and with both methods i could
> > > > > succesfully read
> > > > > and burn a dvd iso. For SuSE 9.1 I indeed only tested method
> > > > > B. I stopped of
> > > > > course, because SuSE 9.1 failed bitterly. So some results are
> > > > > due.
> > > >
> > > > You are specifying a specific driver, it wont tell you that it's
> > > > a bad
> > > > choice. You should know better. Don't specify a driver and it'll
> > > > chose
> > > > the right one.
> > >
> > > I might as well start burning on Win XP, sorry...
> >
> > What does that have to do with it? You complain that it doesn't use
> > DMA
> > when you force the ATAPI driver, that's about as close to 'doctor it
> > hurts' as it gets. Don't do that, then. If you specify a driver, you
> > should know what you are doing. That cdrecord should _not_ include
> > the
> > sucky ATAPI driver is a different matter, one that I have no
> > influence
> > over.
> >
> > Default should work ok, which it does.
> >
> Now listen up Jens, i don't do default, i like to know what went
> wrong. And if you don't change your tone, your SuSE company of
> grundliche engineerung, should certainly know more about this also.

So read the thread, it's been explained there several times. It's how
the whole thread started.

The case in a nutshell is that you say you use force for ATAPI driver
and burning runs slow because it doesn't use DMA. So I tell you that you
should not use the ATAPI driver, exactly _because it doesn't use DMA_. I
go on to say that if you don't know what you are doing, why are you
forcing the ATAPI driver? So now you tell me you don't do default, what
on earth does that mean? You're to elite to use the default? If you
force something else than the default you're expected to know what you
are doing, end of story.

And read up on netiquette, it's bad style to cc a public list on a
private mail. I find nothing in the above mail that's insulting to you
from my side, all I see is that you are refusing to listen to why you
had problems with DMA burning.

Jens Axboe

dus om nou te zeggen dat jij de juiste afslag genomen hebt... in mijn
ogen niet. 

ik kan succesvol, zonder gedoe, andere "betere" drivers et al gewoon
doen wat ik wil, met een bijzonder gemeleerd (sp?) gezelschap aan computers,
inclusief dat &^*&(% laptop ding van Fujitsu-Siemens. 


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