[linux] Re: Compileren TrueCrypt onder Linux

Roeland Th. Jansen bengel op grobbebol.xs4all.nl
Di Dec 5 22:45:55 CET 2006

On Tue, Dec 05, 2006 at 05:06:46PM +0100, Bram Mertens wrote:
> De kernel die je via de distro tools installeert heeft waarschijnlijk ook 
> een initrd.  Als je zelf kernels compileert moet je of alles inbakken of 
> ook een initrd maken.

Als je kernels zelf compileert, moet je eerst documentatie lezen en een
beetje een idee hebben wat er moet gebeuren om succes te hebben.

Vroeger met slackware, las je de documentatie in de Documentation
> Het commando om een initrd te maken is geloof ik mkinitrd, bij debian geef 
> je de --initrd optie mee aan de kernel package tool (kan even niet op de 
> naam komen).

helemaal geen aparte dingen voor nodig lijkt me... wat is het leven toch
mooi soms...:

make help:

Cleaning targets:
  clean           - remove most generated files but keep the config
  mrproper        - remove all generated files + config + various backup

Configuration targets:
  config          - Update current config utilising a line-oriented
  menuconfig      - Update current config utilising a menu based program
  xconfig         - Update current config utilising a QT based front-end
  gconfig         - Update current config utilising a GTK based
  oldconfig       - Update current config utilising a provided .config
as base
  randconfig      - New config with random answer to all options
  defconfig       - New config with default answer to all options
  allmodconfig    - New config selecting modules when possible
  allyesconfig    - New config where all options are accepted with yes
  allnoconfig     - New minimal config

Other generic targets:
  all             - Build all targets marked with [*]
* vmlinux         - Build the bare kernel
* modules         - Build all modules
  modules_install - Install all modules
  dir/            - Build all files in dir and below
  dir/file.[ois]  - Build specified target only
  dir/file.ko     - Build module including final link
  rpm             - Build a kernel as an RPM package
  tags/TAGS       - Generate tags file for editors
  cscope          - Generate cscope index

Static analysers
  buildcheck      - List dangling references to vmlinux discarded
                    and init sections from non-init sections
  checkstack      - Generate a list of stack hogs
  namespacecheck  - Name space analysis on compiled kernel

Kernel packaging:
  rpm-pkg         - Build the kernel as an RPM package
  binrpm-pkg      - Build an rpm package containing the compiled kernel
& modules
  deb-pkg         - Build the kernel as an deb package

Documentation targets:
  Linux kernel internal documentation in different formats:
  xmldocs (XML DocBook), psdocs (Postscript), pdfdocs (PDF)
  htmldocs (HTML), mandocs (man pages, use installmandocs to install)

Architecture specific targets (i386):
* bzImage       - Compressed kernel image (arch/i386/boot/bzImage)
  install       - Install kernel using
                   (your) ~/bin/installkernel or
                   (distribution) /sbin/installkernel or
                   install to $(INSTALL_PATH) and run lilo
  bzdisk       - Create a boot floppy in /dev/fd0
  fdimage      - Create a boot floppy image

  make V=0|1 [targets] 0 => quiet build (default), 1 => verbose build
  make O=dir [targets] Locate all output files in "dir", including
  make C=1   [targets] Check all c source with $CHECK (sparse)
  make C=2   [targets] Force check of all c source with $CHECK (sparse)

Execute "make" or "make all" to build all targets marked with [*]
For further info see the ./README file


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