[linux] Re: bash en xml
Wybo Dekker
wybo op servalys.nl
Do mei 4 22:28:58 CEST 2006
On Thu, 4 May 2006, Koen de Jonge (ProcoliX) wrote:
> Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>>>> Weet iemand of er een eenvoudige manier is om met bash informatie
>>>> uit
>>>> XML bestanden te halen?
> Voor zoiets zou ik nou typisch perl gebruiken met eventueel een module of 2.
of kijk eens naar Ruby. Hier is een demo-scriptje:
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML
# read and process the XML data in the DATA section:
xml = REXML::Document.new(DATA)
puts "Root element: #{xml.root.name}"
puts "\nThe names of all classes:"
xml.elements.each("//class") {|c| puts "\t" + c.attributes["name"] }
puts "\nThe description of Fixnum:"
puts xml.elements["//class[@name='Fixnum']"].text
# Sample code from Programing Ruby, page 726
cls = Element.new("class")
cls.attributes["name"] = "Rational"
cls.text = "Represents complex numbers"
puts "\nRemove Integer's children, and add"
puts "our new node as the one after Integer,"
int = xml.elements["//class[@name='Integer']"]
int.next_sibling = cls
puts "change all the 'name' attributes to class_name,"
xml.elements.each("//class") do |c|
c.attributes['class_name'] = c.attributes['name']
puts "and write it out with a XML declaration at the front:"
xml << XMLDecl.new
xml.write(STDOUT, 0)
<classes language="ruby">
<class name="Numeric">
Numeric represents all numbers.
<class name="Float">
Floating point numbers have a fraction and a mantissa.
<class name="Integer">
Integers contain exact integral values.
<class name="Fixnum">
Fixnums are stored as machine ints.
<class name="Bignum">
Bignums store arbitraty-sized integers.
met als uitvoer:
Root element: classes
The names of all classes:
The description of Fixnum:
Fixnums are stored as machine ints.
Remove Integer's children, and add
our new node as the one after Integer,
change all the 'name' attributes to class_name,
and write it out with a XML declaration at the front:
<?xml version='1.0'?>
<classes language='ruby'>
<class class_name='Numeric'>
Numeric represents all numbers.
<class class_name='Float'>
Floating point numbers have a fraction and a mantissa.
<class class_name='Integer'>
Integers contain exact integral values.
<class class_name='Rational'>Represents complex
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