[linux] Re: met enige ergernis

Paul Slootman paul+nospam op wurtel.net
Wo Feb 21 12:45:03 CET 2007

On Tue 20 Feb 2007, Hugo van der Kooij wrote:
> Mocht je dus in enige richting meer details hebben dan zie ik die graag.


    Delisting. If the size of the listing is anything more than a single
    IP address, delisting can only take place when the spammer is no
    longer using the address space, in which case the size of the
    listing will be reduced down to the originally spamming IP addresses
    free of charge. The affected IPs (the ones used to send the spam)
    will only be delisted when US$50 is donated to a SORBS nominated
    charity or good cause. The charities and good causes SORBS approves
    will not have any connection with any member of the SORBS
    administrators, either past or present.

Paul Slootman

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