[linux] Re: cli sqlite lezer?
Eric de Hont
eric op hobiho.nl
Vr Sep 19 21:30:22 CEST 2014
Op 19-09-14 om 18:49 schreef hans paijmans:
> On 19-09-14 17:52, Eric de Hont wrote:
>> Op 19-09-14 om 15:32 schreef hans paijmans:
>>> On 19-09-14 13:03, Johan van Dijk wrote:
>>>> SELECT sum(visit_count) FROM moz_places WHERE url LIKE "%wikipedia.org%";
>>> Ja, maar nu via een shellscript...
>> Gescript met bash:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> ########################################
> Hartstikke bedankt...
Ik had al een paar weken niet geperld, dus als vingeroefening:
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
my $databasedir = "$ENV{HOME}/.mozilla/firefox/";
my $database = most_recent($databasedir, 'places.sqlite');
my $query = q{'SELECT sum(visit_count) FROM moz_places WHERE url LIKE "%wikipedia.org/%";'};
chomp(my $count = qx{sqlite3 $database $query})
or die "Fout! Fout in aanroep sqlite\n";
print "Wikipedia is ", $count?"$count maal ":"(nog) niet ", "bezocht.\n";
sub most_recent {
# usage: most_recent(<origin>,<file_name>)
# Purpose: Find the most recently updated file of name <file_name>
# in a directory tree starting at <origin>
my $origin = shift or die
"Error- sub most_recent: missing directory name.\n";
my $file_name = shift or die
"Error- sub most_recent: missing file name.\n";
my %mtime;
find(sub {$mtime{(stat($File::Find::name))[9]} =
$File::Find::name if -f and /^$file_name$/}, $origin);
die "Error- sub most_recent: $file_name not found.\n"
unless keys %mtime;
return $mtime{(sort keys %mtime)[-1]};
Eric de Hont
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