[linux] Re: bash-bug

Eric de Hont eric op hobiho.nl
Di Sep 30 07:47:22 CEST 2014

Op 29-09-14 om 15:31 schreef Johan Wevers:
> On September 29, 2014 1:19:19 PM CEST, Eric de Hont <eric op hobiho.nl> wrote:
>> Op 29-09-14 om 11:00 schreef:
>> Ik durf het haast niet te vragen... Maar doe het toch: Wordt je versie
>> van Ubuntu nog wel ondersteund?
> 13.10, die is end of life zie ik. Maar worden
> updates dan afgekapt zo op z'n
> Microsofts, alsof het xp is?

Release end of life
When an Ubuntu release reaches its “end of life” it receives no further 
maintenance updates, including critical security upgrades. It is highly 
recommended that you upgrade to a recent version of Ubuntu at this point.

This command will print the exact status of your system.

$ ubuntu-support-status
For information on previous and upcoming releases and please see the 
Ubuntu wiki for more details.



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